Hermann Sudermann: A Bibliography

July 2011


A. Collected plays:

Hermann Sudermann. Dramatische Werke. 6 bd. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1923. (Cotta is J.G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, GmbH.)

B. Individual Works. Chronological sequence (publication, production and, when applicable, film dates.) When no translator is identified, the English title is my translation of the German title.

1889 - Die Ehre. Berlin: Cotta, 1892, 156pp. Production in Berlin, Lessing Theatre, November 27, 1889. Honor. Trans. by Hilmar R. Baukhage. New York: Samuel French, Inc., 1915.

1890 - Sodoms Ende: Drama in fünf Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1891, 152pp. Berlin, Lessing Theatre, November 5, 1890 and Stuttgart, 1895. Film: ein Stummflim 1913 with Alfred Abel, Johanna Terwin and Camilla Eibenschütz. English titles, A Man and His End, also, Man and his Picture. The Destruction of Sodom. Trans. by Scholz. New York: Liveright, 1898.

1893 - Heimat: Schauspiel in vier Akten. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1893, 168pp. Berlin, Lessing Theatre, January 7, 1893. Tonfilm with Zarah Leander and Heinrich George. Madga. Translated by C.E.A. Winslow. New York: Lamson & Wolffe, 1896. 161pp.

1894 - Die Schmetterlingsschlacht: Komödie in vier Akten. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1895, 170pp. Berlin, Lessingtheater, October 4, 1893 and Vienna, Burgtheater, October 10, 1894. The Battle of the Butterflies. New York: Charles Kraus, 1914.

1895 - Das Glück im Winkel: Schauspiel in drei Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1894. 128 pp. Vienna, Burgtheater, November 11, 1895. The Vale of Content. Trans. by W. E. Leonard, in Chief Contemporary Dramatists. Ed. F. Dickenson. Boston: J. Lang, 1915. Müller and Schlien list opening as November 11, 1893.

1896 - Morituri. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1897. One-act plays. Berlin, Deutsches Theater, October 3, 1896. Trans. by Mary Harned, in Poet Lore, Boston, 1897. Also as Morituri Three one-act plays. Trans. by Archibald Alexander. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910.


"Fritzchen," Vienna, Burgtheater, October 3, 1896. Also in English as "Freddie," Complete Plays by Lady Gregory. Vol 4. Trans. by Lady Gregory. New York: F. S. Crofts, 1936. The Young Hussar, London: Evans Brothers, 1955.

"Das ewig Mannliche," Berlin, Deutsches Theatre, October 3, 1896. "The Eternal Masculine," Trans. by Archibald Alexander.

1898 - Johannes: tragödie in fünf Akten mit einem Vorspiel. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1898. 159pp. Berlin, Deutsches Theatre, January 15, 1898. John the Baptist. Trans. by Mary Harned, in Poet Lore, Boston, 1899, 158pp. Trans. by Beatrice Marshall. New York: John Lane, 1909, 202pp, reprinted in German Classics. Vol. XVII. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1914.

1899 - Die drei Reiherfedern: dramatische Gedicht in fünf Akten. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1899, 156pp. Berlin, Deutsches Theatre, January 21, 1899. The Three Heron's Feathers. Trans. by H.T. Porter. Boston: Poet Lore and Co., 1900.

1900 - Johannisfeuer: Schauspiel in vier Akten. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1900, 164pp. Berlin, Lessingtheater, October 5, 1900. St. John's Fire. Trans. by Grace E. Polk, Minneapolis: H. H. Wilson, 1905. "The Fires of St. John," in Representative Continental Dramas. Ed. M. Moses. Boston: J. W. Luce, 1924.

1902 - Es Lebe das Leben! Drama in funf Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1902,172pp. Berlin, Deutsches Theater, February 1, 1902. The Joy of Living! Trans. by Edith Wharton. New York: Duckworth & Co. 1903, 185pp.

1903 - Der Sturmgeselle Sokrates: Komödie in vier Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1903, 170pp. Berlin, Lessingtheater, October 3, 1903. English title, The Storm-Komrade Sokrates.

1905 - Stein unter Steinen. Schauspiel in vier Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1905, 162pp. Berlin, Lessingtheater. October 8, 1905. English titles A Stone among Stones and Among the Stones.

1906 - Das Blumenboot : Schauspiel in vier Akten und einem Zwischenspiel. Berlin: Cotta, 1905, 188pp. Berlin, Lessingtheater, October 5, 1906. English title, The Flower Boat.

1907 - Rosen: Four one-acts. Berlin: Cotta, 1907, 192pp. "Die Lichtbänder," "Margot," "Der letzte Besuch," "Die ferne Prinzessin." Vienna, Hofburg Theater, October 3, 1907. Roses: Four one-act plays. Trans. by Grace Frank. New York: Scribners. 1909 and 1912, 183pp. "Margot," The Last Visit," "Streaks of Light," and "The Far-Away Princess." New York: Core Collection Books, Inc., 1979 reprint. Archibald Alexander translation of "The Faraway Princess," in Contemporary One-Act Plays. Ed. Lewis. New York: Scribners, 1922. “Lichtbander.” Stuttgart, Königliches Interims theater, October 26, 1907.

1909 - Strandkinder. Schauspiel in vier Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1910. 128pp. Berlin, Königliches Schauspielhaus, December 21, 1909. English title, Children of the Beach.

1911 - Der Bettler von Syrakus: Tragödie in fünf Akten und einem Vorspeil. Berlin: Cotta, 1911, 193 pp. Königliches Schauspielhaus, October 19, 1911. English title, The Beggar of Syracuse.

1913 - Der gute Ruf: Schauspiel in vier Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1913, 169pp. München, Königliches Hoftheater, January 7, 1913. A Good Reputation. Trans. by Margaret Holz and Olga Marz. New York: Scribners, 1914.

1913 - Die Lobgesänge des Claudian. Berlin: Cotta, 1914, 169pp. Hamburg, Deutsches Schauspielhaus, January 20, 1913. English title, Claudius' Songs of Praise.

1916 - Die entgötterte Welt: szenische Bilder aus kranker Zeit. Berlin: Cotta, 1916, 333pp. Berlin, Residenztheater, January 28, 1916. English titles, The World without Gods: Scenic Tableaux from a Sick Age. "Die Freundin,” "The Woman Friend." "Die gutgeschnittene Ecke," "The Well-Turned Corner."

-Das hohere Leben. Komödie in vier Akten. Berlin, Cotta, 1916. Bühnenausgabe. Berlin, Lessingtheater, January 28, 1916. English title, The High Life.

- Der Katzensteg: Schauspiel nach dem gleichnaminger Roman. 1916. Play based on novel of the same name. English: The Cat’s Bridge.

1919 - Regina. (another dramatization of his novel Der Katzensteg.) Berlin: Vertriegsstelle des Verbandes deutscher Bühnenschriftsteller. 1916. Berlin, Theater an der Königgratzerstrasse, September 27, 1919. Manuscript reference as: Der Katzensteg: ein deutsches Volksstuck. Trans. Beatrice Marshall. London: J. Lane, 1898.

- Die Raschhoffs. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1919, 132pp. Königsberg, Neues Schauspielhaus, October 18, 1919. English title, The Raschhoffs.

1920 - Das deutsche Schicksal. Eine vaterländische Dramenreihe. Berlin: Cotta, 1920. English title, The German Fate: a Trilogy. "Notruf," "Emergency Call," Berlin: Vertriebsstelle, 1919. "Heilige Zeit," "Holy Time" and "Opfer," "Sacrifice."

1922 - Wie die Träumenden. Schauspiel in vier Akten und einem Vorspiel. Berlin: Cotta, 1923. 122pp. Reprinted as Die Entscheidung der Lissa Hart. Berlin: Cotta, 1923. Hamburg, Thalia-Theater, 1923. English title, As the Dreaming.

1923 - Die denkmalsweihe: Schauspiel in vier Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1923.

1927 - Der Hasenfelhändler. Schauspiel in vier Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1927, 103pp Hamburg, Thalia-Theater, December 1, 1928. English title, The Dealer in Hare Skins.

1928 - Der Hüter der Schwelle, Einakter. Berlin: Cotta, 1928. English title: The Guard at the Threshold.

C. Individual Works. German Alphabetical Order:

Der Bettler von Syrakus: Tragödie in fünf Akten und einem Vorspiel. Berlin: Cotta, 1911, 193 pp. Berlin, Königliches Schauspielhaus, October 19, 1911. "The Beggar of Syracuse."

Das Blumenboot: Schauspiel in vier Akten und einem Zwischenspiel. Berlin: Cotta, 1905, 188pp. Berlin, Lessingtheater, October 5, 1906. "The Flower Boat."

Die Denkmalsweihe: Schauspiel in view Akten. Berlin, Cotta, 1923.

Das deutsche Schicksal. Eine vaterländische Dramenreihe. Berlin: Cotta, 1920. The German Fate. Trilogy: "Notruf, "Emergency Call," "Heilige Zeit," "Holy Time," "Opfer," "Sacrifice."

Die drei Reiherfedern. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1899, 156pp. Berlin, Deutsches Theatre, January 21, 1899. "The Three Heron Feathers."

Die Ehre. Berlin: Cotta,1892, 156pp. Production opened in Berlin, Lessingtheater, November 27, 1889.

Die Entscheidung der Lissa Hart: Schauspiel in vier Akten und einem Vorspiel. Berlin: F. Block Erben, 1931.

Die entgötterte Welt: Szenische Bilder aus einer kranken Zeit. Berlin: Cotta, 1916. 333pp. The World without God: Scenic Tableaux from a Sick Age. Trilogy: "Die Freundin," "The Woman Friend." Berlin, Residenztheater, January 28, 1916;

Die gutgeschnittene Ecke. Berlin Residenztheater, February 1, 1919;

Das hohere Leben. Berlin, Lessingtheater, January 28, 1916. English title, The High Life.

"The Far-Away Princess". Contemporary One-Act Plays. Ed. Lewis. New York: Scribners, 1922.

Fritzchen. Vienna, Burgtheater, October 3, 1896. Freddie. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1929.

Das Glück im Winkel: Schauspiel in drei Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1895, 128 pp. Vienna, Burgtheater, November 11. English title, "The Vale of Content."

Der gute Ruf: Schauspiel in vier Akten. Berlin, Cotta, 1913, 169pp. Munich, Königliches Hoftheater, January 7, 1913. English title, The Good Reputation.

Der Hasenfelhandler: Schauspiel in vier Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1927, 103pp. English title, The Dealer in Hare Skins.

Heimat: Schauspiel in vier Akten. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1893, 168pp. Berlin, Lessingtheater, January 7, 1893. Madga. Trans. by C.E.A. Winslow. New York: Lamson & Wolffe, 1896, 161pp.

Das höhere Leben: Komödie in vier Akten. Bühnenausgabe. Berlin: Cotta, 1919.

Der Hüter der Schwelle, Einakter. Berlin: Cotta, 1928.

Johannes: Tragödie in fünf Akten und einem Vorspiel. Stuttgart. 1898. 158pp. Berlin, Deutsches Theatre, January 15, 1898. English title, John the Baptist. Trans. by Beatrice Marshall. New York: John Lane, 1909, 202pp.

Johannisfeuer: Schauspiel in vier Akten. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1900, 164pp. Berlin, Lessingtheater, October 5, 1900. English title, St. John's Fire.

Es Lebe das Leben! Berlin: Cotta, 1902, 172pp. Berlin, Deutsches Theater, February 1, 1902. English title, The Joy of Living!

Lichtbander. Stuttgart, Königliches Interims theater, October 26, 1907. English title, Bands of Light.

Die Lobgesänge des Claudian: Schauspiel in fünf Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1914, 169pp. Hamburg, Deutsches Schauspielhaus, January 20, 1914. English title, Claudian's Songs of Praise.

"Lust und Leid" in Five One-Act Plays from Contemporary German Literature. Diamon and Schumaker, editors. New York: Holt, 1929.

Morituri: Teja--Fritzchen--Das Ewig Männliche. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1897, 156pp. Das ewig Mannliche. Berlin, Deutsches Theatre, October 3, 1896. Three one-act plays. "Teja," "Freddie," and "The Eternal Masculine." Trans. by Archibald Alexander. New York: Duckworth & Co. 1912.

Notruf: drama in funf akten. Berlin: Vertriebsstelle des Verbandes deutscher buhemnseuriftsteller, 1919.

Die Raschhoffs. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1919, 132pp. Königsberg, Neues Schauspielhaus, October 18, 1919. The Raschhoffs.

Regina. (dramatization of his novel Der Katzensteg.) Berlin, Theater an der Königgratzerstrasse, September 27, 1919. Manuscript reference as: Der Katzensteg: ein deutsches Volksstuck. Berlin: Vertriebsstelle des Verbandes deutscher Buhnenschriftsteller. 1916.

Rosen. Berlin: Cotta, 1907, 192pp. Four one-acts: "Margot", "Der letzte Besuch", "Die ferne Prinzessin". Vienna, Burgtheater, October 3, 1907. The Roses. Four one-act plays. Trans. by Grace Frank. New York: Duckworth & Co. 1912, 183pp.

Die Schmetterlingsschlacht: Komödie in vier Akten. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1895, 170pp. Berlin, Lessingtheater and Vienna, Burgtheater, October 6, 1894. English title, The Battle of the Butterflies.

Sodoms Ende: Drama in fünf Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1891,152pp. Berlin, Lessingtheater, November 5, 1890. English title, A Man and His End.

Stein unter Steinen: Schauspiel in vier Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1905, 162pp. Berlin, Lessingtheater. October 8, 1905. English title, A Stone among Stones.

Strandkinder: Schauspiel in vier Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1910, 128pp. Berlin, Königliches Schauspielhaus, December 21, 1909. English title, Children of the Beach.

Der Sturmgeselle Sokrates: Komödie in vier Akten. Berlin: Cotta, 1903, 170pp. Berlin, Lessingtheater, October 3, 1903. English title, The Storm Komrade Sokrates, trans. Lauren Friesen. Lanham, MD: University Press of America and London: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003.

Teja. Berlin, Deutsches Theater, October 3, 1896. Trans. by Lady Gregory. In Complete Plays by Lady Gregory. New York: Liveright, Vol. 4.

Wie die Traumenden: Schauspiel in vier Akten und einem Vorspiel. 1922. 122pp. Reissued in 1932 as Die Entscheidung der Lissa Hart. Engish title, As the Dreaming.


A. Collections:

Sudermann, Hermann. Romane und Novellen. Gesamt Ausgabe. 6 bd. Berlin: Cotta, 1919.

B. Alphabetical order:

Die Frau des Steffen Tromholt. Berlin: Cotta, 1927. 651pp. The Wife of Steffen Tromholt. Trans. by Eden and Cedar Paul. New York: Liveright, 1929. American silent film The Wife of Steffen Tromholt.

Frau Sorge. Berlin: Cotta, 1887, 303pp, and New York: H. Holt, 1889. Dame Care. Trans. by Bertha Overbeck. London: Osgood & McIlvaine, 1891, 294pp. Also New York: Harper & Brothers, 1905, 314pp. Silent film with Mary Carr.

Geschwister. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1903. "Die Geschichte der stillen Mühle", "The Silent Mill," und "Der Wunsch," "The Wish." Trans. by Lily Henkel, biographical introduction by Elizabeth Lee. New York: Appleton and Company, 1895.

Das hohe Lied. Berlin: Cotta, 1909, 635pp. The Song of Songs. Trans. by Thomas. Seltzer. London: John Lane, 1910, 640pp. Drama with same title based on this novel by Edward Sheldon. December 22, 1914. American silent film The Wife of the Commander with Benn Lyon and Lya Mara.

Die indische Lilie. Berlin: Cotta, 1911. 320pp. The Indian Lily: and other stories. Trans. by Ludwig Lewisohn. New York: B.W. Huebsch, 1911, 327pp.

Jolanthes Hochzeit. Erzählung. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1892, 110pp. Iolanthes Wedding. Trans. by Adele S. Seltzer. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1918, 159pp. German spoken film Hochzeit auf Bärenhof with Heinrich George, Paul Wegener and Ilse Werner, director: Carl Froelich.

Der Katzensteg. Berlin: Cotta, 1892, 350pp. Regina. Trans. by William Eickhorst. New York: Vantage Press, 1987. Regina; or, the Sins of the Fathers. Trans. by B. Marshall. New York: John Lane, 1898, 347pp. Regina. Trans. by H.E. Miller. Chicago: E.A. Weeks & Co., 1894, 195pp. German Silent film with Jack Trevor and Lissy Arna, 1913. German spoken film with Brigitte Horney, 1921.

The Cat's Bridge. Trans. not identified. New York: P.F. Collier, n.d., with biographical sketch.

Litauische Geschichten. Berlin: Cotta, 1917, 465pp. vier Novellen "Die Reise nach Tilsit," "Miks Bumbullis," "Jons und Erdme," & "Die Magd." German film "Die Reise nach Tilsit." American silent film Sunrise with George O'Brien, Janet Gaynor and Director, F. W. Murnau and received an Academy Award for Cinematic Vision. German spoken film with Christina Söderbaum and Director, Veit Harlan. Another German spoken film Jons und Erdme with Carl Raddatz and Giulietta Masina and director, Victor Vicas.

Im Paradies der Heimat: Geschichten aus der Ostmark. Berlin: Paul Franke Verlag, 1928. Mit 165 Bildern in Kupfertiefdruck. "New Year's Confession." Short story in Golden Book, January 1930: 42-45.

Purzelchen. Berlin: Cotta, 1928, pp380. The Dance of Youth. Trans. by Eden and Cedar Paul. New York: Book League of America, 1930.

Die stille Mühl. Berlin: Paul Franke Verlag, 1918. The Silent Mill. New York: Brentano, 1919.

Der schwankende Grund. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1939.

Der tolle Professor. Ein Roman aus der Bismarckzeit. Berlin: Cotta. 2 vols. 1926, 623pp. The Mad Professor. A novel from Bismarck's Time. Trans. by Isabel Leighton and Otto P. Schinerer. London: John Lane, 1929, 743pp.

Der Verwandelte Fächen und Zwei Andere Novellen. Leipzig: Reclam, 1918.

Es war. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1894, 582pp. The Undying Past. Trans. by Beatrice Marshall. New York: John Lane, 1906, 382pp. American silent film Flesh and the Devil with John Gilbert and Greta Garbo. Director, Clarence Brown.

Im Zwielicht. Zwanglose Geschichten. Berlin: Cotta, 1886, 1889 & 1928. 188pp.


Flesh and the Devil (Es War). American silent film entitled with John Gilbert and Greta Garbo and director Clarence Brown. VHS issued by Warner Home Video, 1995. 113 minutes. Film script by Max Marcin. University of Illinois: MSS. 1926.

Frau Sorge, German silent film with Mary Carr.

Jons und Erdme (from Litauische Geschichten) a German sound film with Carl Raddatz, Giulietta Masina, Marlene Dietrich, director, Victor Vicas.

Der Katzensteg, German silent film 1913 with Jack Trevor and Lissy Arna. German sound film with Brigitte Horney, 1923.

Jolanthes Hochzeit. German sound film, entitled Hochzeit auf Bärenhof, with Heinrich George, Paul Wegener and Ilse Werner and director, Carl Froelich.

The Wife of the Commander (Das Hohe Lied), American silent film with Benn Lyon and Lya Mara.

Sunrise ("Die Reise nach Tilsit" from Litauische Geschichten) American silent film with George O'Brien and Janet Gaynor and director, Murnau. German sound film with Christian Söderbaum; director, Veit Harlan. Sunrise, Video recording. Reissued by Chicago: Facets Multimedia, 1971. Reissued by Time Warner, 1995.

Wife of Steffen Tromholt (Die Frau des Steffen Tromholt), an American silent film.


Das Bilderbuch meiner Jugend. Berlin: Cotta, 1922, 402pp. The Book of my Youth. Trans. by Wyndham Harding. New York: Harper & Bros. 1923, 294pp. Autobiography.

Jugendjahre in Elbing. Essen: West-Verlag, 1956. Excerpts from Das Bilderbuch meiner Jugend.

Kuhn, Dorothea. Hermann Sudermann: Porträt und Selbsporträt. Marbach: Deutsche Schillergesellschaft, 1978.

Reise nach Tilsit. Prosa und Dramen. Hsg. von Herbert Reinoss. München: Langen Müller Verlag, 1923. Mit einem Nachwort von Kurt Lothar Tank. Excursion to Tilsit. Trans. by Lewis Galantiere. New York: Liveright, 1930. Autobiographical story.

Zwischen den Wäldern. Beltz: Langensalza. 1932.


Drei Reden. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1900. 47p.

Die Sturmgesellen. Ein Wort zur Abwehr. Berlin: F. Fontane & Co., 1903. 27p.

Verrohung in der Theaterkritik: zweitgemasse Betrachtungen. Berlin: Cotta, 1903. 56p. Reviewed in Times Literary Supplement. 1903. 111p.


Walter, Bruno. Sechs Lieder. Berlin: Drei Lilien. 1921. Lieder Opus 11.


Magazine and Journal Articles

Andreas-Salome, Lou. "Ibsen, Strindberg, Sudermann," Freie Bühne fur den Entwisklungskampf der Zeit, (Berlin) 1893, IV: 149-172.

Archer, William. "Hermann Sudermann." Fortnightly, 1898, 64:299.

Bäumer, Gertrud. "Hermann Sudermann." Die Hilfe, December 1928, 23: 549.

Bernhard, Frau. "Unveröffentlichte Briefe über die dichterische Inspiration." Die literarische Welt, 3 June 1932, 8: 3-4.

Betz, Frederick. “Willy Janikow and Karl Stauffer-Bern: A Note on the Model for the Artist-Figure in Hermann Sudermann’s Play Sodoms Ende.” Germanic Notes, 1979, 10:58-61.

Bockstahler, O.L. "Nietzsche and Sudermann." German Quarterly, November 1935, 8: 177-91.

_____________. "Sudermann and Ibsen." German Quarterly, March 1932, 5: 54-57.

Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. "The Drama of Revolt." Bookman, July 1895, 1: 384-88.

Bockstahler, Leo. "Nietzsche and Sudermann." German Quarterly, 1935, 8: 177-91.

_________, “Sudermann and Ibsen” Germany Quarterly, 1933, 5:54-57.

Braddon, M.E. "Hermann Sudermann," National Review, 1893, 21: 751-770.

Brahm, Otto. “Sudermann: Die Ehre.” In Kritiken und Essays, Fritz Martini, Zurich, 1964.

Busse, K. "Pro et Contra: ein wort der erinnerung zu Hermann Sudermanns 70 geburtstage, September 30, 1927.” Preuss Jahrbuch, October 1927, 210:53-57.

Coar, J.F. "Hermann Sudermann" Forum, 1902, 26:374.

_________. "Review of Contemporary German Literature." Bookman's, December 1899, 10: 319-24.

_________. "Three Contemporary German Dramatists." Atlantic Monthly, January 1898, 81: 71-80.

Cowen, Roy C. “Hermann Sudermann.” In Der Naturalismus: Kommentar zu einer Epoche, 3. München, 1981. 164-171.

Diamond, William. "Hermann Sudermann," Monatshefte fur deutschen Unterricht, 1929, 21.

"Die drei Reiherfedern." The Times, February 3, 1899, p13.

Donkin, Ellen. “The Problem of Interpretation: Bernhardt, Duse, Fiske and Modjeska Perform Magda.” Turn-of the Century Women, Winter, 1987, 2:48-59.

Dubatti, Jorge. “Los intertextos europeos en el teatro de Florencio Sanchez: El honor y Magda de Hermann Sudermann.” Latin American Theatre Review, Fall 1995, 29:7-20.

Dugler, Thomas. Hermann Sudermann: Ein Dichter an der Grenzscheide zweier Welten. Troisdorf, 1958.

Dummer, E.H. "Hermann Sudermann, a Contributor to American Culture. The American-German Review, 1946/47, 13: 26ff.

Fechter, Paul. "Hermann Sudermann." Welt und Wort, 1957, 12: 299-301.

Feise, Ernst. "Stilverwirrung in Sudermanns Frau Sorge." Germanic Review, 1930, 5: 225-237.

Florer, Warren Washburn. "Hermann Sudermann." Poet-Lore, September 1905, 16: 116-123.

Francke, K. "Sudermann's Symbolical Drama." Nation, April 27, 1899, 68:310-311.

Frentz, Hans. "Der Dichter der Frau Sorge." Ostdeutsche Monatshefte, 1956/57, 23: 711-12.

Frentz-Sudermann, Hans. "Hermann Sudermann, an Appreciation." American German Review, October 1949, 21: 24-26.

Freud, Erich. "Von der Londoner Season 1900," Bühne und Welt, 2 Halbjahr 1899/90, 2: 997.

Friesen, Lauren. “Hermann Sudermann: Social Criticism and East Prussian Regionalism in German Drama.” Journal of Mennonite Studies, vol 21, 2003. 111-136.

___________. “Vondel, Sudermann and Kliewer: Stretching the Invisible Canon of Mennonite Dramatic Writing. The Mennonite Quarterly Review, vol LXXIV, July 2000, no. 3, 403-422.

Genung, C.H. "Regina." Book Buyer, 1911, 17:24.

Gutmane, Margita. “Aspazijas ‘Zaudetas tiesibas’ un H. Zudermana ‘Gods’.” Raina un Aspazijas Gadagramata, 1975, 24-45.

Grigoleit, Eduard. "Ahenentafel des Dichters Hermann Sudermann." Ahenentafeln berühmten Dichters, 1943, 5: 21-32.

Grummann, P.H. "Hermann Sudermann." Poet-Lore, May 1911, 195-211.

Hale, Edward E. Jr. "The Renaissance of the English Drama." The Dial, September 16, 1896, 21: 149-150. "Magda."

Harder, Franz. "Die Familie des Abraham Sudermann." Mitteilung des Sippenverbandes Danziger Mennoniten, 1939, 5: 18-23.

___________. "Todestag des Dichters Hermann Sudermann." Ebda, 1939, 5: 24-25.

Heinrichs, J, und Harder, Franz. "Zur Geschichte des Familie Sudermann in Südrussland," Ebda, 1941, 7: 151-152.

Heller, O. "Ethics of Sudermann." Studies in Modern German Literature, 1905, 3: 115-124.

"Hermann Sudermann." Nation, December 5, 1928, 127: 593-594.

"Hermann Sudermann's Death." The Times, November 22, 1928, p13.

"Hermann Sudermann Portrait." Bookman's, January 1902, 14: 451ff.

"Hermann Sudermann Portrait." Chart, May 1905, 41: 230ff and May 1909, 54: 460ff.

"Das Hohe Lied." The Times Literary Supplement, December 17, 1908, p476.

Hogarth, Janet E. "Sudermann's Novels," Fortnight Review, 1896, 59:651-62.

Jones, D. M. "Plays of Hermann Sudermann." Westminster Review, November 1900, 154: 553-560.

__________. "Hermann Sudermann." Academy, 1903, 53: 528ff.

__________. "Hermann Sudermann." International Quarterly, 1909, 6: 140ff.

Koch, Ernst. "The Key to Sudermann." PMLA, September 1936, 51: 851-62.

Kuhn, Dorothea. "Hermann Sudermann, Porträt und Selbstporträt." Marbacher Magazin, 10, 1978. Also Marbach: Deutsche Schillergesellschaft, 1978.

__________. “Zum Nachlass von Hermann Sudermann.” Jahrbuch der Deutschen Schiller-Geselleschaft, 1980, 24:458-70.

Lawson, Richard H. “Edith Wharton, Gaylord Wilshire and Hermann Sudermann. South Atlantic Bulletin, 1979, 2:82-92.

___________. “Hermann Sudermann and Edith Wharton.” Revue de Litterature Comparee, 1967, 41:125-131.

Leux, Irmagard. "Hermann Sudermann. Eine individualanalytische und schaffenpsychologische Studie." Journal fur Psychologie und Neurologie, 1942, 42: 231-413.

Lewisohn, Ludwig. "H. Sudermann." Warner Library 24 (1902): 1463-66.

"Die Lobgesänge des Claudian." The Times, January 22, 1914, p5. (Berlin production notice.)

Lorentz, Erwin. Ahenenliste der Bertha Lorentz geb. Sudermann. Ebda: Jhg. 7, 1941: S. 174-180.

MacCarthy, Desmond. "Magda." The New Statesman, April 1923, 20: 773-74.

Magnus, L. "Modern German Drama." Blackwells, July 1899, 166: 47-60.

Martini, Fritz, Kritiken und Essays, 1964. Brahm, Otto. “Sudermann: Die Ehre.”

Miller, Frank. "Sudermann and his Weltanschauung." The Bookman, 1906, 23: 645-48.

"Morituri." The Times Literary Supplement, September 12, 1912, 362.

Moses, M.J. "Passing of a Pioneer." Review of Reviews, February 1929, 79: 162.

Moszhowski, Alexander. "1908--Wie ich es sehe," Arena, January 1908, 1040.

"New Play." The Times, October 6, 1900, 8.

"Portrait." Wilson Bulletin, September 1931, 6: 37.

Puknat, Siegfried B. "Mencken and the Sudermann Case." Monatschefte, April-May 1959, 51: 183-89.

Reimer, Gustav und Harder, Franz. Urkunden zur Geschichte der Familie Sudermann in Westprussen. Ebda: Jhg., 1941, 7: 180-184.

"Roses." The Times Literary Supplement, September 12, 1912, 362.

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__________. Ivory Apes and Peacocks. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1915.

Iwanowa, Gora. Roman und Novellentechnik bei Sudermann. Diss. München. 1925.

Jens, Walter, Hsg. Kindlers neues Literatur-Lexikon, Bd. 16. München: Kindler-Verlag. 1991, 164-167.

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__________. De verwandelte Sächer. Leipzig: Verlag von Philipp Reclam. 1924.

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_________. Sudermann. Das neue Drama. Berlin, 1905. 146-192.

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___________. Hermann Sudermann. Eine individualanalytische und schaffenspsychologische Studie. Leipzig: Barth. 1931.

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Shaw, Bernard. Shaw's Dramatic Criticism. New York: Hill and Wang. 1959, pp169-173.

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"A Glimpse of Hermann Sudermann." By M. L. van Vorst, Book Buyer, August 1902, 17:22.

"Das Blumenboot." The Times, October 8, 1906, p9c.

"Cycle of Sudermann." 19th Century. Reviewed by F.B. Law, 1902-07, 60:651.

"Frau Sorge."

Athenaeum. No 3346. December 12, 1891. p789.

Atlantic Monthly. December 12, 1891, 98:798.

Blackwells. June 1892, 151:802-8.

Harpers Magazine. February 1892, 84:488.

Nation. February 11, 1892, 54:115.

"Das Deutsche Schicksal." The Times Literary Supplement,1922, 154.

"Die Engötterte Welt." The Times Literary Supplement, 120, 107.

"Es War."

Atlantic Monthly, May, 1896, 77:697-702.

Blackwells, August 1895. 158:205-212.

"Far-Away Princess." One-act. Golden Book, May 1927, 5: 25-633.

"Fires of St. John."

Outlook, May 27, 1905. 80:247.

St. Paul Dispatch, April 29, 1905. 8:810.

"Fritzchen." Modern Language Journal, 1936, 21: 628.

"Gooseherd." Living Age, January 8, 1898, 216:78-83.


Modern Language Journal, 1939, 24:153.

"Sudermann's Heimat in London," Martin Hoefer. Magazin für Literatur, 1895, 64: 929-933.

"Das Hohe Leben." The Times Literary Supplement, January 21, 1920, p107ff.

"Das Hohe Lied." The Times Literary Supplement, December 17, 1908, p476c.

"Honor." Critic. November 16, 1896, 27 (24): 329. Standard Theatre (London.).


Poet-Lore, February 21, 1898, 11 (2): 161.

Nation, K. Francke, February 10, 1898, 66:105.

Nation, January 24, 1898, 84: 88.

Harper's, February 9, 1907, 51: 204.

"John the Baptist."

Athenaeum, January 9, 1909, 1:52.

Nation, December 24, 1908, 87:636.

North American Review, June 1909, 189:920.


"Eleanora Duse as Magda." Critic, March 7, 1896, 28 (25) 169.

"Magda." Critic, August 1, 1896, 29 (26) 81, illustrated.

"Magda." Dial, September 16, 1896, 21:149-50.

"Magda." Nation, April 7, 1923, 33:28 (London production.)

"Magda," by D. MacCarthy. New Statesman, April 7, 1923, 20:773-74.

"Magda." The Times Literary Supplement, 1903, p290.

"Magda at the Lyceum." Atlantic Monthly, June 13, 1896, 107:788.

"Magda as Played by Duse." Atlantic Monthly, June 15, 1895, 105:780-1.

"Madame d'Jeska in Magda." Critic, February 3, 1894, 24 (21) 83.

"Sarah Bernhardt as Magda." Critic, February 15, 1896, 28 (25) 116.

"Sudermann's Magda and Duse's." Poet-Lore, October 1896, 8 (8) 557-63.

"Hermann Sudermann's Magda." Poet-Lore, W. W. Flower. 1902. 16 (3) p116. With Portrait.

"There was a Young Lady Named Magda." By E. Shanks. Outlook, April 7, 1923. 51:289.


Dial, December 16, 1910, 49: 522.

Bookman's, November 1912, 43:116. (London).

"Plays of Hermann Sudermann," by E. S. Meyer, Critic, September 12, 1907, 46:67.

"Die Raschoffs."

The Times Literary Supplement, January 24, 1920. 424.

Nuova Antologie, May 16, 1921, 212:97-117.

"Roses." Bookman's, November 1912, 43:116f.

Nation, October 14, 1909, 89:364.

New York Times, October 30, 1909, 14:672.

Outlook, November 6, 1909, 93:558.

"St. John's Fire." Poet-Lore, December 1904, 15 (4) 1-71.

"Sarah Bernhardt." New York Times, February 17, 1895, 26. Comparing Duse and Bernhardt's Heimat in Paris.

"Sarah Bernhardt." New York Times, June 16, 1895, 32. Comparing Duse and Bernhardt's "Magda" in London.

"Strandkinder." The Times Literary Supplement, September 15, 1910, 332a.

"Der Sturmgeselle Sokrates."

The Times Literary Supplement, December 5, 1903, 382.

Lamp, by R. W. Fife, January 21, 28:121.

"Sudermann and Hauptmann in Their Latest Plays." By P. H. Grummann. Poet-Lore, December 1907, 14 (2) 114.

"Sudermann and His Weltanschauung." By Frank Miller. Bookman. November 4, 1906, 23:695.

"Teja." One-act. Golden Book, October 1927, 6: 493-503.

"Three Heron's Feathers." Poet-Lore, April 1900, 12 (2) 161-234.

- Atlantic Monthly, January 1898, 81:71-80.

"Two German Dramatists." By E. A. Steiner, Outlook, December 1902, 67: 74.

"Two New Plays by Hermann Sudermann." Current Literature, February 1906, 40: 190-200.

“Verrohung in der Theaterkritik: zeitgemasse Betrachtungen." The Times Literary Supplement, November 4, 1903, 111.


Book of My Youth.

Booklist, October 1923, 20:19.

Bookman, September 1923, 58:87.

Dial, August 1923, 75:203.

Freeman, by Henry Fuller, July 25, 1923, 8:176.

New York Tribune, June 24, 1923, 17.

New York World, July 1, 1923, 19.

New Republic, July 18, 1923, 35:210.

The Times Literary Supplement, July 14, 1924, 429.

Wisconsin Library Bulletin, October 23, 1924, 19: 443.

Die Frau des Steffen Tromholt.

Journal of Debate, by M. Muret, June 1, 1928, 35 (1) 911-913. .

"Hermann Sudermann."

Book Lovers Manual, by A. E. Hancock. February 1902, 2:241.

"Hermann Sudermann."

International Quarterly, by R.M. Meyer. Spring, 1907, 6:140.

Iolanthe's Wedding.

Nation, February 1, 1919, 108:175.

New York Evening Post, January 25, 1919, 2.

New York Times, January 5, 1919, 24:2.

Es Lebe des Leben.

Athenaeum, February 28, 1903, 1:283.

Nation. Reviewed by C Harris. February 27, 1903, 74:169-70

"Love in the Cottage."

Nation. Review by C. Thomas. January 9, 1896, 62:28..

The Mad Professor

Boston Transcript. p4, December 8, 1928. 1650w.

New Republic. 57:143. D 19, 1928. 1050w.

New York Evening Post. p11m, December 8, 1929. 800w.

New York Herald Tribune. p3, D 9, 1928. 720w.

Saturday Review of Literature. 5:538. December 22, 1928. 800w.

Silent Mill

Bookman. Review by H.W. Boynton. 49:730. Ag '19. 470w.

Dial 66:578. My 31, '19. 50w.

New York Times. 24:282, My 18, '19. 800w.

Springfield Republican. p15, July 13, '19. 130w.

Song of Songs

Athenaeum. 1910. 2:661, N 26. 130w.

Bookmans. F. '10. 30:651. 430.

Bookman's. February 1915, vol 40, p637-8.

Forum. June 1910, vol 43, pp666-670. 2150w.

Ind. 68:768. Ap 7 '10 340w.

Nation. January 21, 1915, vol 100, p87.

New Republic. January 2, 1915, vol. 1, p25.

New York Times. 15:3. Ja 1 '10. 1300w.

North American Review. 191:430 Mr '10. 320w.

Outlook. 94:363. F 12. '10. 320w.

Review of Reviews.. 41:382. Mr '10. 400w.

The Times Literary Supplement. July 3, 1913. p287b.

Der tolle Professor

The Times Literary Supplement. 1927. p312.

The Undying Past

Academy. 70:576, June 16, 1906. 520w.

Arena. 36:571, November 1906. 290w.

Atheanaeum. 1906. 1:729. June 16. 480w.

Bookman. 24: 117. October 1906. 530w.

Dial. 41: 113. September 1, 1906. 650w.

Nation. 83: 141, August 16, 1908. 360w.

New York Times. 11:494, August 11, 1906. 1120w.

Speculator. 97:173. August 4, 1906. 170w.

The Times Literary Supplement. 1906. p217.

Wie die Traumenden

The Times Literary Supplement. 1924. p403.


Grigoleit, Eduard. "Uhnentafel des Dichters Hermann Sudermann." (n.d., n.p.) With a family tree. Goshen College: Mennonite Historical Library.

Mencken, H.L. Prejudices: First Series. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1919. 105-13 on Hermann Sudermann.

Nicoll, Allardyce. "The Independent Theatre in Germany." World Drama from Aeschylus to Anoulih. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1950. 564-85.


_____________. Briefe Hermann Sudermann an seine frau (1891-1924). Hsg. von Irmgard Leux. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1932. With plates, including portraits and a facsimile. 333p .


Sudermann, Hermann. Verrohung in der Theaterkritik: zeitgemasse Betrachtungen. Berlin: J.G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, GmbH. 1902.

Sudermann, Hermann. Der Sturmgesellen. Ein Wort zur Abwehr. Berlin: Cotta, 1903. 27.

About the Author

Lauren Friesen

Lauren Friesen, Ph.D., was born near Henderson, Nebraska where he resided until matriculating at Bethel College (Kansas). He received his Ph.D. with honors from Graduate Theological Union and the Department of Dramatic Art at the University of California-Berkeley. From 2000 to 2013 Friesen served as Chair of the Department of Theatre and Dance at the University of Michigan-Flint. Currently he is the David M. French Distinguished Professor of Theatre Emeritus at the University of Michigan. He was the founding director of the Master of Arts in Arts Administration program for the Rackham Graduate School at the University of Michigan. He also served as Professor of Drama and Director of the John S. Umble Center at Goshen College. The Kennedy Center awarded Friesen with the Gold Medallion for Excellence in Theatre Education and the Indiana Theatre Association presented him with the Outstanding Contribution to University Theatre plaque. In 2013 Pacific School of Religion presented Friesen with the Distinguished Alumni award. Lauren and his wife, Janet Burkholder, have been married forty-six years and are the proud parents of Erica who was married to Blair Franklin and Eliot who is married to Carrie Meyers. Erica and Blair have two sons, August Emerson and Maximus Grey. Eliot and Carrie have two daughters, Greta Catherine and Alexandra Claire.