Ted Swartz's Memoir Sparks Widespread Approval

October 1, 2012

In Laughter Is Sacred Space: The Not-So-Typical Journey of a Mennonite Actor, long-time comedian and writer Ted Swartz recounts an honest and engaging journey through his life as an actor in the Mennonite church. Swartz uses his love for theatre as a framework to string together both the triumphs and the tragedies of his life.

The book, released in September through MennoMedia, has been recieved with overwhelmingly postive reviews. Howard Zehr, professor of restorative justice at EMU, gave high remarks: "Laughter is Sacred Space is even funnier than Mennonite in a Little Black Dress--an authentic and profound snapshot of what it means to grow up and live Mennonite." Theologian Tony Jones described Swartz's storytelling as "beautiful, tragic, and funny."

For more extensive reviews and an interview with Swartz, visit http://store.mennomedia.org/Laughter-is-Sacred-Space-P1206.aspx.

To read a preview of the memoir published in the Huffington Post, visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ted-swartz/laughter-is-sacred-space_b_1900022.html.

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