Seeking Rhubarb Subscriptions

October 29, 2012

A Letter from Victor Enns, President of the Mennonite Literary Society:

Hello friends,

Time to pass the collection plate again to support the work of the Mennonite Literary Society (MLS) and Rhubarb magazine. Rhubarb’s May Manitoba Writing (#30) Issue has drawn good response, which we will publish in our next issue. Our next four themes are Money (#31), Sex (#32) Power and Politics (#33), and a special Mennonite Theatre (#34) issue, planned for next November.

With your help last year we were able to maintain Rhubarb in print and deliver issues on Mental Health (#27), Music (#28), Jews, Ukrainians and Mennonites (#29), as promised, all with colour reproductions of works by visual artists. Your continued support ensures fresh Rhubarb in the coming year. Rhubarb, like most North American magazines, is working to develop a web presence, which will get more attention when we have the time and money.www.rhubarbmag.com

Subscriptions are essential to know someone is listening to the “loosely defined Mennonite” voices we publish, and provides another $5,000 to meet costs. Please consider this as your first and most immediate way to support The Mennonite Literary Society and Rhubarb magazine.


Subscriptions are $30 annually for three issues.

We welcome contributions – submissions of writing and art to be considered for publication, and the financial variety needed to meet our publication schedule. So tell the writers and artists in your life to send work, and the others, those with money, to send cheques made out to the Mennonite Literary Society.

Preserving Rhubarb would be best aided by subscriptions and donations by the end of November, but donations are welcome anytime. Donations over $20.00 made beforeDecember 31, 2012will be eligible for tax deductions in your 2012 tax returns.

Please send your subscriptions, memberships, and donations made out to the “Mennonite Literary Society” to:

Mennonite Literary Society
606-100 Arthur Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 1H3.


Victor Enns, President,

Mennonite Literary Society

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