Poetry collection by Eileen R. Kinch

July 14, 2013
Gathering the Silence

Finishing Line Press has recently released Gathering the Silence, a chapbook of poems by Eileen R. Kinch, a writer and editor in Lancaster Country, Pennsylvania.

This beautiful debut collection claims a space for silence by way of utterance: testimony so strong it sears the speaker’s lips, lifts in song, or finally falls to a hush. Kinch enacts the old association between poetry and the furrowed field preserved in the etymology of 'verse': vertere. Her lines turn as the plowman turns the row. 'Fields' articulates her personal and elegant ars poetica: The rows are straight, yet curving with/the contours of the land—/a part in a woman’s hair—/a quiet, well-ordered life.
—Julia Spicher Kasdorf, author of Poetry in America

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