Jeff Gundy reports from the Boundary Waters

July 22, 2009

Our little group of writers spent July 12-17 on the Boundary Waters, "Listening for the Language of Nature." We had a very fine week, of a sort that's hard to capture fully in a brief description. It rained--a lot--and was more or less constantly damp and chilly after the first day, which was (conventionally) beautiful. Still, we did a lot of canoeing (ca. 41 miles), and had some exciting/nervous moments paddling through whitecaps and lots of wind and rain. We encountered a whole set of lakes, rivers, marshes, portages, and wildlife, and discovered that among us we were up to all the challenges we faced. We made camp together, ate well, laughed about our adventures, plotted tactics and strategies, and stayed warm and safe all the way. We talked and read and wrote, tried with mixed success to keep our books and papers dry, and came back weary and damp in body but filled with new visions, sounds, and experiences.

For more stories and photos, see the Wilderness Wind blog http://wildernesswind.wordpress.com/

and Jeff Gundy's facebook photo album http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30444121&l=1575590332&id=137900714

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