"Traditions in Translation"
Call for writing exploring the idea of "translating" texts and traditions from their original use into new expressions.
Write your own translation or reinterpretation of a scripture or text that has been sacred to you--writing "with" or "against" the text. Write about your experience within, around, or outside of a faith tradition. Explore a sacred tradition or experience translated into a new time or place. Write about a family tradition that has continued or fallen away. Experiment with form: for example, write in the style of a hymn or song that has been important in your life. Image-driven forms like graphic novel excerpts, fraktur, and photographs will also be considered.
This issue of the Journal of Mennonite Writing will be guest co-edited by Becca J.R. Lachman and Anita Hooley Yoder. Submissions are due November15, 2018, with a publication date in the spring of 2019.
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