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    Maurice Meirau publishes new poetry collection

    October 1, 2008

    Maurice Mierau's second collection of poetry, Fear Not, was published in fall 2008 by Turnstone Press.

    From the publisher's website:

    Fear Not is lyrical, political, raunchy, blasphemous, and deeply engaged with ethical questions. Inspired by the Gideon Bible's list of self-help topics each poem is arranged to play off poetic and Biblical forms.

    Ranging in subject from suicide to divorce, unemployment to gratitude, Afghanistan to Gethsemane, Fear Not attempts consolation, all the while mocking its own failure to lessen human pain.

    Mierau also surveys contemporary culture, skewering our intense involvement with pop phenomena such as America's Next Top …

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    Jeff Gundy wins Midland Poetry Award

    June 1, 2008

    Jeff Gundy's poetry collection, Spoken Among the Trees, won the Society of Midland Authors 2007 Poetry Award, given each year for the best book of poems in the 12-state Midwestern region of the United States.

    Spoken Among the Trees is published by the University of Akron Press.

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    Center for Mennonite Writing begins as Maple Scholars Project

    January 1, 2008

    The Center for Mennonite Writing began to take shape on the web began as a Maple Scholar's project. Assitant Professor of English, Kyle Schlabach, mentored GC student Matthew J. Yoder as Yoder developed the design and web infrastructure for the site in the new web 2.0 environment. English Professor Ann Hostetler and Professor Emeritus Ervin Beck served as consultants to the project.

    Read about the early stages of the project here: